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Capacity Building: Working in Partnership

6th March 2020

William Morris Gallery

This course offered early years, primary, secondary and sixth form college staff, artists and arts organisations working in Waltham Forest an opportunity to explore ways of effective partnership working to deliver high quality arts projects in educational settings. It gave insights into the benefits of partnership working, ways to nurture the partnership and ensuring the sustainability of the creative achievement.

Click the download links below to access resources from this event:

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Planning Spectacular Partnerships, A New Direction

Guidance on how to artists and schools can plan and work effectively in partnership (includes links to toolkits)

Poplar Consortium

A reflection of the Poplar Consortium's five-year long creative project. Gives insight into the impact of long-standing collaborations, and the value of bringing artists into schools.

Curriculum Guidance, Waltham Forest Music Hub

The new OFSTED Inspection Framework explained plus how to write a school Music Education Plan.


List of useful education acronyms and terminology for artists and other practitioners working with education settings.

Case Study - Matt Hanks, Headteacher, Roger Ascham Primary School

Highlights from the school’s experience of working alongside Matthew Bourne’s New Adventures company for their whole school production of The Nutcracker for London Borough of Culture 2019.

Schools and Artists Points of View

What Artists and Teachers highlighted about working together at our event on 6th March.

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