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CPD Resources

Creative Writing & Music for Wellbeing CPD with Adisa The Verbalizer

A virtual twilight CPD on Zoom that explores the relationship between music and poetry and how these can be used to support wellbeing.

Further resources and downloads from the CPD are available here:

Presentation and mindfulness resources from Hannah Peaty, Art Co-ordinator, Artsmark lead and Mindfulness Teacher at Soho Parish Primary School:

Here you can find all of the mindfulness videos Hannah made for children during home learning:

Capacity Building

Arts Project Evaluation

Download the resources below from our Capacity Building: Arts Project Evaluation session for artists and education settings held on 12th June 2020:

Funding Webinar with Arts Council England

Download the resources below from our Capacity Building: Funding webinar for artists and education settings held on 15th May 2020:

Working in Partnership

Download the resources from our Capacity Building: Working in Partnership event for artists and education settings held at the William Morris Gallery on 6th March 2020.

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