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Making a Case for the Arts

Holly Donagh, Deputy Chief Executive at A New Direction

A New Direction; a London based non-profit generating opportunities for children and young people to unlock their creativity. Holly presents some of the research that supports creative projects in schools while reminding us of the difficulty in measuring the long-term outcomes.

A New Direction Logo

Will Millard, Head of Policy Advocacy, LKMco*

Education and youth thinktank, LKMco*, work to ensure all children and young people receive the support they will need to make a fulfilling transition into adulthood. Will talks through the findings of a three year project commissioned by the Arts Council on creative writing in schools.

*LKMco is now the Centre for Education and Youth

Centre for Education and Youth Logo

Susan Aykin, Her Majesty's inspector and national lead for visual and performing arts, OFSTED

Susan talks about the objectives of the new Ofsted framework and the positive impact it aims to have on the arts in schools. With a focus on language as a means to access education and equity of access to cultural capital.

Ofsted Logo

Kerri Sellens, Teacher and Art Coordinator at Lansbury Lawrence Primary School

Kerri describes The Room for Art project and how year 6 children worked with architects to consult on a new annex to the school building.

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Jimmy Rotherham, Teacher and Music Coordinator at Feversham Primary School

Jimmy tells the story of how he went from being a failing teacher at secondary level to being nominated for global teacher of the year and the power of music on wellbeing and learning.

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Graham Clifford, Head teacher of Willowbrook Primary

Graham talks about the challenges and benefits of championing the Arts.

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